Mathematics education
Scholarly research on the practice of teaching and learning mathematics.
Erin Baldinger Erin Baldinger
- Associate Professor
- she, her, hers
- 612-624-9478
My research centers on the preparation of secondary mathematics teachers. These areas of interest have emerged from my experiences as a middle school math teacher and as a mathematics teacher educator.

Lesa Clarkson Lesa Clarkson
- Professor
- she, her, hers
- 612-626-9243
The foundation of my research agenda is mathematics in urban classrooms. This interest evolved from my initial study which examined a middle school reform mathematics curriculum to determine if mathematics achievement, as determined by the state…

Irene Duranczyk Irene Duranczyk
- Associate Professor Math Education
- she/her/hers
- 612-626-4421
What motivates me in my work? Being a member of a community that is working to advance an engaged, multicultural peaceful world is my passion.

Susan Staats Susan Staats
- Professor
- she, her, hers
- 612-625-7820
As a cultural anthropologist with research and teaching responsibilities in mathematics, my academic pathway is varied and unusual.

Ranza Veltri Torres Ranza Veltri Torres
- Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education
- she, her, hers
My research takes a humanizing approach to investigating how school mathematics can function as a gatekeeper by centering the stories of math learners and doers.

Terrence Wyberg Terrence Wyberg
- Senior Lecturer
- 612-625-9823
My teaching experience began as a high school mathematics teacher in Yuma, Arizona. Since that time, I have taught mathematics at the high school and college levels and mathematics education at the college level.