Terrence Wyberg
Senior Lecturer
Office Hours
by appointment
Curriculum and Instruction
125 Peik Hall
159 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 612-625-9823
- wyber001@umn.edu

Areas of interest
Teacher education and development, exploring how teachers’ content knowledge is related to their teaching approaches.
PhD, University of Minnesota
Mathematics Education
320 D Learning and Environmental Sciences Building
1954 Buford Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55108
My teaching experience began as a high school mathematics teacher in Yuma, Arizona. Since that time, I have taught mathematics at the high school and college levels and mathematics education at the college level. These experiences have shaped my view of what it means to help children at the elementary and secondary levels learn mathematics.
This is an exciting time for mathematics education. Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the development of new mathematics curricula has changed the way mathematics is taught in many schools. I am interested in helping teachers improve their teaching so that they can adapt to the changes necessary to implement these curricula effectively. For the past three years, I have taught methods courses for elementary and secondary pre-service teachers and teacher enhancement courses for in-service teachers. I have conducted teacher training workshops for the NSF-funded project MASP2.* My future research efforts will be focused on how teachers' content knowledge is related to their teaching approaches.
* Minneapolis and St. Paul Areas Merging to Achieve Standards Project: Implementing NSF Mathematics Curriculum in Partnership School Districts
Courses Taught
MTHE 3102 - Mathematics and Pedagogy for Elementary Teachers II
MTHE 5355 - Mathematics for Diverse Learners
MTHE 5366 - Technology-Assisted Mathematics Instruction
MTHE 5696 - Student Teaching in Mathematics
CI 5822 - Mathematics Instruction in the Elementary Grades
MTHE 3101 - Mathematics and Pedagogy for Elementary Teachers I
Kahan, J. & Wyberg, T. (in press). Problem Solving Can Generate New Approaches to Mathematics: The Case of Probability. Mathematics Teacher.
Kahan, J. & Wyberg, T. Technology Matters: An invitation to generating functions with CAS, chapter accepted for forthcoming NCTM 2003 yearbook Teaching Mathematics with CAS.
Kahan, J. & Wyberg, T. Mathematics as Sense-Making, chapter accepted for forthcoming (2003) NCTM book Teaching Mathematics through Problem Solving.
Kahan, J. and Wyberg, T. (2002). The Spot Problem: Connecting Points, Connecting Mathematics.Mathematics Teacher, 95(1), 26-31.
Wyberg, T. (1999). Technology in the Mathematics Classroom: Helping Students Make Connections.Research/Practice, 6(2), 16-18.