College of Education and Human Development

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Collaborative learning

The educational approach of using groups to enhance learning through working together.

Vichet Chhuon Vichet Chhuon

My research has broadly focused on the experiences of immigrant youth and students of color to understand how school institutions might better help them realize their promise.

Vichet Chhuon

Kendall King Kendall King

  • Professor of Multilingual Education, Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Faculty Development
  • 612-625-3692

Schools play a crucial role in determining the life trajectories of minoritized language students as well as the status of minoritized languages and the future of linguistic diversity.

Kendall King

Bic Ngo Bic Ngo

  • Professor, Rodney S. Wallace Professor for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
  • 612-625-7520

My research and teaching interests focus on culturally relevant pedagogy, urban and multicultural education in general, and immigrant education in particular.

Bic Ngo

Susan Staats Susan Staats

As a cultural anthropologist with research and teaching responsibilities in mathematics, my academic pathway is varied and unusual.

Susan Staats
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