Karla Stone
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Senior Lecturer
Office Hours
by appointment
Curriculum and Instruction
125 Peik Hall
159 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 612-626-0319
- ston0032@umn.edu
- Download Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

Areas of interest
I am interested in preparing teachers to be responsive and attentive to multilingual learners, prek-12. I firmly believe in an asset-based, humanizing approach to learning and teaching, especially when considering the role of languages and languaging in students' experiences.
PhD Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota
M.Ed. College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota
B.A. University of Chicago
Minnesota teaching license, ESL (k-12) valid through June 2027
Dr. Karla Stone is a Senior Lecturer in Multilingual Education at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. In that role, she coordinates the initial license and M.Ed. program for MN K-12 ESL and World Language teacher candidates. She also teaches methods courses focusing on assessment, curriculum design, and the integration of language and content. She has 30 years of experience working with multilingual learners, including over 15 years as a K-12 ESL teacher in Robbinsdale Area Schools. She has been an active member of MinneTESOL, and collaborates frequently with district and state partners to promote access and equity for multilingual learners.
What students can expect from me?
Students can expect a responsive, inquisitive approach to advising from me. My strengths lie at the intersection of theory and practice, particularly as teaching and learning occur in k-12 classrooms.
Selected Awards
Harold B. Allen Award for Excellence in TESOL, MinneTESOL. (October 15, 2016)
Milken Family Foundation National Educator Award. (September 1999)
National Board Certified Teacher, English as a New Language, Early Adolescent through Young Adulthood. 2001-2011
Advanced Equity and Diversity Certificate, Office of Equity and Diversity, University of Minnesota. 2014
CAREI Collaborative Grant, Faculty co-sponsor for Robbinsdale area schools. Project title: Amplifying academic language in co-taught content classrooms. 2013-2014.
CAREI Collaborative Grant, Faculty sponsor for Neill Elementary, Burnsville, MN. Project title: The impact of co-teaching on LEP students and their teachers in a 2nd grade setting. 2011-2012.
American Educational Research Association (January 2024 – Present)
Minnesota Council of Teachers of Language and Culture. (January 2016 - Present)
American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages. (January 2014 - Present)
TESOL (January 1999 - Present)
MinneTESOL (October 1995 - Present)
2017 Stone, K. (2017). Teach like it’s yoga. Invited manuscript. MinneTESOL Journal
2011 Walker, C., & Stone, K. (2011). Preparing teachers to reach English language learners: Pre-service and in-service initiatives. In. T. Lucas (Ed.). Teacher preparation for linguistically diverse classrooms. (pp. 127-142). New York: Routledge.
2008 Stone, K. (2008). Making sense of testing: English language learners and statewide assessment. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Katnik, K., & Stone, K. (2023). Differentiating instruction with the WIDA framework. Practical strategies from Project Momentum. MELED, 2023
Stone, K. (2023). Highlighting language for multilingual learner success. Invited session at the Twin Cities Educator Collaborative. Bloomington Public Schools. Aug. 2, 2023
Stone, K. (2023). Analyzing content for the language our multilingual learners need to be successful. Invited session, Twin Cities Educator Collaborative. Bloomington Public Schools. Aug. 2, 2023
Stone, K., Stenglein, B. & Young, K. (2021). WIDA 2020 Framework. A 6-part series of workshops. Invited sessions, MELED 2021
Morita-Mullaney, P., Cushing Lubner, J., Benegas, M., Stone, K., Stallings, Lynne & Greene, M. (2020). Invoking Disruption. Teacher Leadership Among EL Pre- and In-service Teachers. Post-poned to 2021. TESOL International Convention
Stone, K., & Shephard-Carey, L., (2019). Moving beyond the ordinary. Community-engaged language teacher preparation. TESOL International Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Morita-Mullaney, T., Stallings, L., Greene, M., Cushing-Leubner, J., & Stone, K. (2019). EL teacher preparation for immigrant youth: Scaffolding discomfort. TESOL International Convention, Atlanta, GA
Stone, K. & Mathieu, C. (2019). Collaborative video analysis as a tool for language teacher education: Opportunities and challenge. International Conference on Language Teacher Education. Minneapolis, MN.
Stone, K. & Spenader, A. (moderators) (2019). Teacher candidates and SLIFE. What we’ve learned and where we’re headed. 7th Annual SLIFE Spring Fling Conference, St. Joseph, MN
Yang, A., & Stone, K. (2018). What should we do with the new ACTFL intercultural communicative competence (ICC) can-do statements? Minnesota Council of Teachers of Language and Cultures fall conference. Brooklyn Center, MN.
Stone, K. & Mathieu, Cory (2018). World language teacher preparation and the edTPA: How alignment and incongruities can inform continuous improvement. CARLA presentation series.
Stone, K. & Spenader, A. (moderators) (2018). Teacher candidates and SLIFE. What we’ve learned and where we’re headed. 6th Annual SLIFE Spring Fling Conference, Minneapolis, MN
Stone, K. (2017). Re-imagining early teacher preparation: diverse community engagement as ‘text’ for equity and social justice. Congreso Pedagogia 2017. Paper presentation. La Habana, Cuba.