YoUthROC Research team published in Berkeley Review of Education

The YoUthROC research team recently published an article titled "From Youth Activism to Youth-Powered Curriculum" in the Berkeley Review of Education. The article spotlights their social movement participation, analysis, and the action they took to create workshops, lessons, and curriculum guides for youth-by-youth. Stemming from the team's 2020-2021 research and activism, the article addresses the grounding question, "How do youth navigate an uprising?"
Results discuss themes present--and needed--in movement work: the centrality of collectivism, internal and collective self-determination, and young people’s already-existing commitment to analysis and dynamic change.
This article and the website is for young people eager to engage in activism and youth workers/teachers looking to invite authentic student-centered experiences. Access the article at, for more information explore YoUthROC's Youth in Social Movement Curriculum Website.