Jehanne Beaton
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Director of Undergraduate Studies, DirecTrack to Education Coordinator
Curriculum and Instruction
125 Peik Hall
159 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 -

Areas of interest
Urban teacher preparation, practice-based teacher preparation, social studies education, project-based learning
PhD, Social Studies Education, and Teacher Education
MFA, Creative Writing - Fiction
Jehanne Beaton has worked as a secondary social studies teacher in the public schools for more than twenty years, the bulk of which has been spent in diverse, urban classrooms in Minneapolis. She holds an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Hamline University and recently completed her doctorate in Social Studies Education and Teacher Education from the University of Minnesota. Her dissertation study, "I'll Let You Know How It Goes": Teaching, Learning, and Learning to Teach in an Urban Partnership High School, told from multiple points of view, examines the intersections of learning to teach, preparing urban teachers, and working between and within the worlds of theory- and research-driven teacher education and practice-based public schools. Combining first- and third-person narrative, poetry, fiction, and portraiture, the study interrogates complex questions about racism and urban teacher preparation, who and what makes a good teacher, and ways in which success is measured when it comes to learning to teach, teaching, and learning.
Beaton Zirps, J. (2016). Three portraits. In P. Gorski, R. Salcedo, & J. Landsman (Eds.), Talking back and looking forward: An educational revolution in poetry and prose, pp. 155-168. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Beaton, J., & Mayo, J. B., Jr. (2015). Reciprocity and relationship: Urban teacher preparation through partnership. In A. Cuenca and A. Crowe (Eds.) Rethinking Social Studies Teacher Education for Twenty-First Century Citizenship, pp. 225-242. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Beaton, J. (2014). Perceiving professional risk in five stories. Qualitative Inquiry, 3 February, pp. 1-12. DOI: 10.1177/1077800413513731
Beaton Zirps, J. (2013). Disrupting school: Learning autobiographies as queer curriculum in Grineski, S., Landsman, J., and Simmons, R.. (Eds.), Talking about race: Alleviating the fear, 122-129. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Beaton, J. (2001). Rethinking discipline. Rethinking our classrooms 2, pp. 160-162.
Beaton, J. (2000). Remembering Russell. Rethinking schools: An urban education journal 14 (3).
Beaton, J. (1999). Rethinking discipline. Rethinking schools: An urban education journal 14(1).
Beaton, J. (1999). Tita Scary. Waterstone Literary Journal 2 (1), 172-176.
Beaton, J. (1995). Whose label is it anyway? Colors magazine.
Learning autobiographies: The power of culturally relevant curriculum. MN-NAME Conference, October 15, 2016.
Nobody’s Gonna Make a Movie About You: A Cooperating Teacher of Color’s Story. American Educational Research Association, Annual Meeting, April 2016.
Power and Potential in a Dialogic Framework for the Formative Assessment of Dispositions for Teaching, American Educational Research Association, Annual Meeting, April 2016.
Who is responsible for assessing teacher-candidate dispositions? Engaging multiple stakeholders in a dialogic process. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Annual Meeting, February 2016.
Critical Conversations: Power and Potential in a Dialogic Framework for the Formative Assessment of Dispositions. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Annual Meeting, February 2015.
New Approaches to Developing and Assessing Dispositions for Teaching, Minnesota Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, Annual Meeting, November 2014.
Committing to Kids: Coaching Dispositions for Teaching Diverse Learners, MN-NAME Conference, October 2014.
Thirdspace in urban teacher preparation: The possibilities of arts-based research, International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 2014.
Re-presenting Rupture in the Moment: Analysis of an Intersection of Urban Teacher Preparation at a Partnership School, College and University Faculty Association, National Council for the Social Studies, Annual Meeting, November 2013.
School District and University Collaborations That Close Gaps for P-12 Learners, Saturday Scholars, University of MN, November 2013.
Multiple Perspectives on a Secondary School-University Partnership, TERI Partnership Workshop, University of MN, May 2013.
Putting Yourself Out There: Novice Teachers’ Stories of Perceived Professional Risk, American Educational Research Association, Annual Meeting, April 2013.
Putting Yourself Out There: Novice Teachers’ Stories of Perceived Professional Risk, C & I Research Day, University of MN, 2013
Caught in the Middle: TERI liaisons, supervisors, cooperating teachers as clinical faculty in the hybrid spaces. TERI Partnership Day, University of MN, December 2012.
Collisions: The Figured Worlds of Secondary Social Studies Teachers, An Initial Analysis, C & I Research Day, University of MN, 2012.