PhD Students and Faculty from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) Present at the AESA Annual Conference

Students and faculty from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) proudly presented their research at the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) annual conference in Greenville, SC, held from November 6–10. Their papers highlighted the department's ongoing commitment to advancing knowledge in critical pedagogy. Below is a list of all the presentations shared at the event:
Melissa Surrette and Keitha-Gail Martin-Kerr presented "Metaphors We Teach By: Unpacking 'Good Intentions' to Cultivate Thriving."
Monyque Assis Suzano, Olga Natasha Hernandez Villar (CLA), Laurie Elisabet Hahn Ganser, and Melissa Surrette presented "More Than a Metaphor: Necropolitics Across Transnational Educational Contexts."
Bisola A. Wald presented "Dismantling the Anti-Black Citizenship of U.S. Curriculum through Black and Afrocentric Social Formations."
Melissa Surrette presented "White Women Pre-Service Teachers’ Elite Capture of Culturally Responsive Teaching and Social-Emotional Learning."
Melissa Surrette, Isabel Besser Verastegui, and Riley Noel Coduto (CCAPS) presented "Investigating Lines: A Narrative Inquiry into Artfulness and Teaching."
Diedra Carlson and Aracely Thomas presented "Breaking a Bitch: Exploring the Mental Health Impacts of Race-Neutral School Disciplinary Policies on Black and Latinx Girls."
Sangmi Lee presented "Decolonizing Teaching: Epistemic Disobedience Through Currere, Autobiography, CRT, and Funds of Knowledge."
Noelle Roubinek, Peng Liu Nelson, and Verna Wong presented "Counter-Storytelling with Asian and Asian American Voices: Exploring AsianCrit across Educational Fields." (Contributors absent: Ramon Vasquez, Alyssa Kasahara, Sophie Kasahara, Ngan Nguyen)
Keitha-Gail Martin-Kerr presented "Exploring Jewish Identities and Combating Antisemitism with Pre-Service Teachers: A Critical Post-Intentional Phenomenological Study." (Contributor absent: Emma Nicosia)
Vichet Chhuon, Insil Jeon, and Sophea Om presented "From Incarceration to Lok Kru: Teaching After Deportation."
Insil Jeon presented "The Latest Newcomers: Karens in U.S. Schools."