Oziewicz teaches and lectures on climate literacy in Chile
Marek Oziewicz, a Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and Director of the Center for Climate Literacy, delivered an invited lecture on climate literacy at Pontificia Universidat Católica De Chile in Santiago. The lecture was part of the talk series “Sustainability Dialogues—Imagining Futures” hosted by Pontificia’s Sustainability Institute. Oziewicz spoke about the strategies to develop universal climate literacy education for K-12 students. Over the next five days in Santiago, he gave a talk to graduate students and faculty at the Center for Educational Justice, met with Pontificia’s faculty, and led two workshops for teacher candidates taking a course on ecocriticism pedagogy. Oziewicz’s visit was organized by Dr. Andrea Casals Hill and is part of the Center’s effort to develop climate literacy networks at colleges of education and other teacher-training institutions across the globe.
Find out more about the Center for Climate Literacy.