Martha Bigelow
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Carmen Starkson Campbell Endowed Chair for Innovation in Teacher Development
Office Hours
Sign up for a face-to-face, phone, whatsapp, skype, google hangout, or tango appointment here.
Curriculum and Instruction
125 Peik Hall
159 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 612-624-7087
- Download Curriculum Vitae [PDF]

Areas of interest
Second language acquisition, schooling experiences of adolescent immigrant youth, preservice language teacher education, multicultural education
PhD (Georgetown University)
My research interests span fields of education, applied linguistics, and cultural studies. While I have focused mainly on the language learning and schooling of adolescent refugees from East Africa, I am deeply invested in the schooling of all language learners as they learn in home, community and school settings. I am also interested in teacher education experiences and classroom pedagogies that support equity and access in education.
- The multilingualism and multiliteracy of immigrant and refugee youth
- The role of native and second language literacy in the acquisition of second language oral skills
- The intersection of race, religion, gender and ethnicity among Somali youth
- Somali youth’s experiences with racialization in school and community settings
- The educational needs of adolescent English language learners with limited formal schooling
- Making out-of-school connections to classroom learning for immigrant youth (funds of knowledge and culturally relevant pedagogy)
- The role of education policies in access to education for adolescent immigrant youth with limited formal schooling
What students can expect from me?
My students can expect to speak with me regularly about their research, teaching, and professional trajectory. They can expect me to give substantive feedback on their written work or presentations, including course assignments, conference proposals, drafts of manuscripts and thesis and dissertation chapters. With some advance notice, I can write letters of recommendation and do reference checks for students as they seekk employment on campus and after they graduate. I am happy to meet with students in person or on Zoom. Students can use my appointment calendar (see above) to sign up for an appointment or they can suggest a time on my regular calendar.
I do not expect students to have academic interests that overlap fully with me. I do expect my students to pursue their own academic interests, leveraging their previous professional and community experiences and tapping into their strengths and social/cultural networks. I am a willing reader of work outside my expertise and can help students connect with other faculty and peers who have more expertise than me on their topic of interest. I am supportive of advisor changes if students find that someone else is a better fit for them, for whatever reason.
I expect to see students at talks on campus and at conferences. If students are hoping to work in higher education, I expect them to do presentations and submit papers for publication throughout their graduate program. I am interested in and always looking for opportunities to write and present with students.
I appreciate open conversations with my students about their needs and expectations.
Selected Awards
Charles A. Ferguson Award for Outstanding Scholarship, 2020
Harold B. Allen Award, 2018
Multicultural Recognition-Faculty Award
University of Minnesota, 2011
Matthew Stark Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Faculty Award
University of Minnesota, 2010
Distinguished Teaching Award
University of Minnesota, 2008
TESOL Distinguished Research Award, 2007
Rising Star Award, Women’s Philanthropic Leadership Circle
University of Minnesota, 2004
Bigelow, M. (Ed.) (2023). Trans inclusion and language education, Introduction Modern Language Journal, 107(2), xxx-xxx.
Wilhelm, A., Schwedlhelm, M., Bigelow, M., Hang, M., Ortega, L., Pergament, S. & Allen, M. (2022). Somali, Latino, and Hmong Youth Perceptions of School Connectedness. Health Equity 6(1)
Wilhelm, A., #chwedhelm, M., Bigelow, M., Bates, N., Hang, M., Ortega, L., Pergament, S., & Allen, M. (2021). Evaluation of a school-based participatory intervention to improve school environments using the consolidated framework for implementation research. BMC Public Health 21, 1615
Deygers, B., Bigelow, M., Lo Bianco, J., Nadarajan, D., & Tani, M. (2021). Low print literacy and its representation in research and policy. Language Assessment Quarterly. DOI: 10.1080/15434303.2021.1903471
Wilhelm, A. K, Hang, M., Ortega, L., Pergament, S., Cavin, A., Bates, N., Bigelow, M. & Allen M. (2021). Lessons learned in implementing youth and parent participatory action research in a school-based intervention. Progress in Community Health partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 15(1), 15-36.
King, K. A. & Bigelow, M. (2020). The hyper-local development of translanguaging pedagogies. In E. Moore, J. Bradley, & J. Simpson (eds.) Translanguaging as transformation: The collaborative construction of new linguistic realities (pp. 199-215). Tonawanda, NY: Multilingual Matters.
Bigelow, M. (2020). The case of a Somali teenage girl with limited formal schooling: Seeing assets and poking holes in deficit discourse. In A. Cooper & A. Ibrahim (Eds.). Black immigrants in the United States: Essays on the politics of race, language, and voice (pp. 77-91). New York: Peter Lang, International Academic Publishers.
Bigelow, M. (2019). Time is like a sword, if you don’t cut it, it will cut you: Learning in English in a Djiboutian refugee camp for an uncertain English-speaking future. MinneTESOL.…
King, K. & Bigelow, M. (2019). The politics of language education policy development and implementation: Minnesota (not so) nice? In T. Ricento (ed.) Language politics and policies: Perspectives from Canada and the United States (pp. 192-210). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bigelow, M., Cushing-Leubner, J., Hang, M., Ortega, L., Shanafelt, A., Pergament, S., Allen, M. (2019). Perspectives on power and equity in CBPAR projects. In D. Warriner, & M. Bigelow (Eds.). Critical reflections on research methods: Power and equity in complex multilingual contexts (pp. 184-198). Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters.
Lewis, C. & Bigelow, M. (2019). Mobilizing and languaging emotion for critical media literacy. In R. Beach & D. Bloome (eds.), Languaging relations across social worlds in educational contexts (pp. 216-234 ). New York, NY: Routledge.
International work
Needs analysis of English language teaching and learning in Punjab, India. (2023)
Case study of a secondary school in Hargeisa, Somaliland. (2022)
Evaluation and improvement of School English language teacher education curricula developed and used by Vietnamese teacher education colleges and universities in Hanoi, Vietnam (2019)
Warriner, D., & Bigelow, M. (Eds.) (2019). Critical reflections on research methods: Power and equity in complex multilingual contexts. Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters.
Bigelow, M., & Ennser-Kananen, J. (Eds.).(2015). Handbook of Educational Linguistics. New York City: Routledge.
Bigelow, M. (2010). Mogadishu on the Mississippi: Language, racialized identity, and education in a new land. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
Tarone, E., Bigelow, M. & Hansen, K. (2009). Literacy and second language oracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Recent Articles
King, K., & Bigelow, M. (2018). East African transnational adolescents and the symbolic meaning of place: An argument for local international learning. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 38, 187-193. #Vanek, J., King, K., & Bigelow, M. (2018). Social presence and identity: Facebook in an English language classroom. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2018.1442223.
King, K., Bigelow, M., & Hirsi, A. (2017). New to school and new to print: Everyday peer interaction among adolescent high school newcomers. International Multilingual Research Journal: Special Issue entitled Exploring Peer Interaction among Multilingual Youth: New Possibilities and Challenges for Language and Literacy Learning. DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2017.1328958
Bigelow, M., Vanek, J., King, K., & Abdi, N. (2017). Literacy as social (media) practice: Refugee youth and home language literacy at school. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Special issue: Cultural and Academic Adjustment of Refugee Youth in Educational Settings.
Ennser-Kananen, J., Escobar, C. F., & Bigelow, M. (2017). “It’s practically a must”: Neoliberal reasons for foreign language learning. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 5(1), 15-28.
King, K. & Bigelow, M. (2016). The language policy of placement tests for newcomer English learners. Educational Policy, 1-33. DOI: 10.1177/0895904816681527
Fallas Escobar, C., Ennser-Kananen, J., & Bigelow, M. (2016) Monetary and career based motives at the core of EFL programs: Problems and solutions/Programas de Inglés como lengua extranjera basados en fundamentos económicos y profesionales: Problemas y soluciones. GIST Education and Learning Research Journal, 12, 152-173.
Recent Book Chapters
King, K. A. & Bigelow, M. (2020). The hyper-local development of translanguaging pedagogies. In E. Moore, J. Bradley, & J. Simpson (eds.) Translanguaging as transformation: The collaborative construction of new linguistic realities (pp. 199-215). Tonawanda, NY: Multilingual Matters.
Bigelow, M. (2020). The case of a Somali teenage girl with limited formal schooling: Seeing assets and poking holes in deficit discourse. In A. Cooper & A. Ibrahim (Eds.). Black immigrants in the United States: Essays on the politics of race, language, and voice (pp. 77-91). New York: Peter Lang, International Academic Publishers.
King, K. & Bigelow, M. (2019). The politics of language education policy development and implementation: Minnesota (not so) nice? In T. Ricento (ed.) Language politics and policies: Perspectives from Canada and the United States (pp. 192-210). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bigelow, M., Cushing-Leubner, J., Hang, M., Ortega, L., Shanafelt, A., Pergament, S., Allen, M. (2019). Perspectives on power and equity in CBPAR projects. In D. Warriner, & M. Bigelow (Eds.). Critical reflections on research methods: Power and equity in complex multilingual contexts (pp. 184-198). Bristol, Blue Ridge Summit: Multilingual Matters.
Lewis, C. & Bigelow, M. (2019). Mobilizing and languaging emotion for critical media literacy. In R. Beach & D. Bloome (eds.), Languaging relations across social worlds in educational contexts (pp. 216-234 ). New York, NY: Routledge.
Bigelow, M., & Collins, P. (2018). Bilingualism from childhood through adolescence. In A. De Houwer & L. Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism (pp. 36–58). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Bigelow, M. (October, 2020). Literacy and multilingualism with African Diaspora youth: Intersections of race, culture and language. Alberta TESL, Edmonton, Canada. (Virtual)
Bigelow, M. (October, 2019). The intercultural and the interpersonal in world language teaching: Changing the world one class at a time. Taipei Tech International Conference on Applied Linguistics. Taipei, Taiwan.
Bigelow, M. (August, 2019). Engaged research at the intersection of language and education. VI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada, UNA, Heredia, Costa Rica.
Bigelow, M. (March, 2018). What can we learn about ELT through classroom research? The Professor Sita Udupa Endowment Lecture at Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai, India.