College of Education and Human Development

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Lesa Clarkson presents at Leading in Equity, Action, and Diversity (LEAD) conference at the University of Minnesota




Lesa Clarkson (CI) recently presented in two breakout sessions at the Leading in Equity, Action, and Diversity (LEAD) conference at the University of Minnesota. Lesa led a session called “1 2 3 Looks Like Me 2: Culturally Inclusive Mathematics,” which focused on culturally relevant and inclusive mathematics teaching and learning experiences, emphasizing their essential role in Minnesota classrooms. The session aimed to move participants from "it's a good idea" to "what can we do in our next math lesson."

Lesa also co-paneled the “#BlackEducatorsMatter in Minnesota: A Conversation” session, which brought together local Black scholars and practitioners in a structured dialogue to highlight key historical and contemporary scholarship, policy, and practice related to the state of Black educators and Black education.