Keitha-Gail Martin-Kerr
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Associate Professor, Teaching
Curriculum and Instruction
125 Peik Hall
159 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 - 612-625-4187
- Download Curriculum Vitae [PDF]
Areas of interest
literacy development in elementary grades, literacy coaching, mentoring for equity, feminist methodology, phenomenology
PhD, University of Minnesota, MN
MA, Touro College, NY
MS, City University of New York, NY
BA, Northern Caribbean University, Jamaica
Keitha-Gail received her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Minnesota in 2016. Her research interests live at the intersection of collective memory work, elementary education, teacher education, being Black, and living queerly. She is a teacher educator whose pedagogy centers on resistance to normativity and anti-oppressive pedagogy. She has several publications in the areas of teaching queerly and education inclusivity. She enjoys engaging in intellectually stimulating conversations and thinking with theory around issues relating to equity and social justice. Keitha-Gail identifies as a queer, Black immigrant from Jamaica. She currently lives in Minnesota with her partner and her daughter.
Courses taught
- CI 8147: Critical Discourse Analysis
- CI 3211: Introduction to Elementary Teaching
- CI 1001: Introduction to Elementary Education
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Literacy Research Association (LRA)
- International Literacy Association (ILA)
- National Women’s Study Association (NWSA)
- National Association of Multicultural Education (N.A.M.E)
Sponsored projects
Jamaica Exchange in Teaching Program (JET)
In the News
CEHD News, Martin-Kerr Leads Jamaica Exchange Teaching Program
Leading Equity Podcast, "Episode 159: Critical Colonial Consciousness Through Queer Pedagogy"
Martin-Kerr, K.G. (2023). A Post-intentional Phenomenological Study of a Queer Identified Youth in Jamaica. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 23(G3), 39–47
Martin-Kerr, K.G. & Pellew, R. (2023). Mentoring Uncertified Teachers in Guyana.Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 24(G4), 19–33
Vagle, M.D., Martin-Kerr, K.G., LoBello Miller, J., Wald, B., & Fairbanks, H. (2023). Critical Post-Intentional Phenomenological Inquiry (crit-PIP): Why it Matters and What it Can Do. In Denzin, N, A., Lincoln, Y., Giardina, M., & Cannella. G (Eds.), The Sixth Edition of the Sage Handbook of
Qualitative Research. pp. 223 - 239.
In Press: Martin-Kerr, K-G, Rombalski, A, Israelson, M. (2022). Examining reflection as a tool to develop equity-mindedness in future educators: One teacher candidate’s reflection with a mentor through three theoretical lenses. Teacher and Teacher Education.
Martin-Kerr, K.G., & Clements, C. H. (2021). Playing games with theory: Collective memory-work and game theory in post qualitative inquiry. In R. Hamm (Ed.). Reader Collective Memory-Work (pp. 507 – 523). BeltraBooks.(invited).
Martin-Kerr, K-G. (2020). Still Searching: My Present Reality. In R, Endo. (Ed.). (2020). Experiences of Racialization in Predominantly White Institutions: Critical Reflections on Inclusion in US Colleges and Schools of Education (pp. 120 - 130). Routledge. (invited).
A Phenomenology Collective (Martin-Kerr, K.-G., Zilmer, C., Babulski, T., Funfe Tatah Mentan, C., Colum, K.). (2019). Cultivating activism in the academy: A Deluezoguattarian exploration of phenomenological projects in M. Vagle, J. Johnson Thiel, & B. Hofsess (Eds.) Unsettling traditions: Reimagining the craft of phenomenological and hermeneutic inquiry [special issue]. Qualitative Inquiry.
Martin-Kerr, K-G. (2019). Fostering Critical Colonial Consciousness through Queer Pedagogy. In S. N.J, Blackman; D. A, Conrad; L. I. Brown. (Eds). Achieving Inclusive Education in the Caribbean and Beyond: From Philosophy to Praxis. (pp. 193 - 205). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. (Refereed).
Allen, K., Brodeur, K., Israelson, M., Martin-Kerr, K. G., Ortmann, L., Peterson, D. (2018). Developing Reflective Practice in Teacher Candidates through Program Coherence. Teaching & Learning Inquiry. 6(2), 81- 96.