College of Education and Human Development

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Nina Asher, to co-facilitate University of Minnesota Dissertation Proposal Development program

Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) Professor Nina Asher, EdD is co-facilitating the University of Minnesota’s interdisciplinary Dissertation Proposal Development (DPD) program this year, along with Professor Dr. Will Jones of the Department of History. 


The program, run by the College of Liberal Arts, is designed to expand and improve formal dissertation prospectus and grant proposal development for humanities and social science doctoral students at the U. Three of the 12 PhD students participating in the program this year are from CEHD: Promise Iheanacho of the School of Kinesiology (advised by Landy Di Lu), Dugyum Kim of C&I (advised by Asher), and Qichao Pan of the Department of Educational Psychology (advised by Moon Young Savana Bak). Department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development Professor Elizabeth Sumida Huaman will be presenting a workshop on critical, community engaged research at an upcoming DPD workshop. Learn more about the program